1. Choose fresh fruits and vegetables over canned or frozen. Fruits and vegetables have the highest concentration of vitamins and minerals in their most natural state. They also pack a high amount of fiber, antioxidants, and phytochemicals!
2. Choose foods with real ingredients. When you look at the ingredient list of packaged food products you will typically find a long list with additives and fillers that you can’t even pronounce. Choose foods with the least amount of ingredients on the label- or better yet, foods like fruits and vegetables that don’t even have a label!
3. Stick to the perimeter of the grocery store. This is where you will typically find the whole foods- produce, meats, seafood, dairy, grains, etc. The center isles are where you will find most of the packaged and processed snack foods with empty calories (no nutritional value).
4. Choose USDA certified organic foods when you can. Organic means that the food has been grown or raised without the use of harmful chemical, pesticides, hormones, antibiotics, etc. Organic foods are good for your body and the environment. But beware, organic “snack foods” have just as many calories as their non-organic counterparts.
5. Follow the 80/20 rule. At Game Time Performance we are all for healthy eating, but we also know that it is difficult to “eat clean” all the time. Aim to eat a clean and healthy diet 80% of the time and indulge in other foods you enjoy 20% of the time. By following this guideline you won’t feel too restricted and you can relax and enjoy yourself when you are out with friends, on vacation, etc.
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